Young boys have a fascination with weapons. My two are typical – left to their own devices they will soon construct an elaborate arsenal out of sticks and string, complete with swords, rifles, and an elaborate fantasy of attacks, bad guys, and missions. The enemy always lose, the good guys are always brave, and uncomfortable emotions such as embarrassment, compassion and fear simply do not exist. My daughter played such games as well, including “Sailor scouts and monkeys” which was a battle game of her invention co-opting the whole kindergarten class. After a few years her focus had shifted to social interaction, where the boys’ remains in the ritualised battle called sport.
These simple joys are never forgotten. Mythically, the good guys crushed their opposition in battles joyously free of compromise and doubt. With God on their side, sex, confusion and the world’s mundane frustrations could be sublimated in a dream of power, big guns, and victory. The uniforms reeked of belonging and the girls swooned as they lined the parade. It’s the founding dream of fascism: trading frustration and weakness for conquest on behalf of the industrialists.
I remember it myself. I’ve always been interested in history and anthropology, and in high school I was interested in military history. Think Alexander conquering Persia against great odds. Think Napoleon. Think, for that matter, of Death Metal power chords. There’s something liberating about the whole uncomplicated, macho, war glory and uniforms thing. Adolescents aren’t comfortable with social interaction. They’re not interested in navigating the foreign territory of other people’s feelings, and even less so the uncharted waters of their own. For some reason I’ve always been averse to joining, so it was history and Punk music. But it’s those swept up in the illusion and seeking a way to belong who make up the brownshirts, the skinheads, and perhaps also the Red Brigades.
How do you make a sexually frustrated teenager join a violent warrior cult? It requires the heady potion of nostalgia for an imagined past, a mythic wrong perpetrated by a despicable enemy, and a vision of a glorious militaristic future formed from the dream-stuff of childhood games. Arkan‘s Red Star Belgrade Delije (heroes) are believers in a great Serbian golden age of the 14th century, destroyed by the degenerate and treacherous Ottomans at the battle of Kosovo in 1389, in spite of glorious self-sacrifice of the epic hero MiloÅ¡ Obilić. The future could once again hold a proud and victorious Serbia, if its people would cast aside today’s humiliation and weakness and re-learn the courage of their heritage. Personalised hatred of the enemy, idealism, and battle glory. The testing ground for these Delije is the football stadiums, and their weapon is extreme violence, clad in their team’s colours.
But most such nightmares fade with time and more healthy ways of belonging. A married man with workmates, children, and a community is not about to dust off his baseball bat and chains just because Zagreb supporters are in town. Normal socialisation produces tolerance and compassion, even if some secret part of the heart still harbours dark dreams. In Germany in the 1930s the terrible wrong was the treaty of Versailles, and the hope was of a futurist techno-germanic empire. Similar political use is being made of the Twin Towers today, and the danger is that it will awaken all the armchair fascists, globalisation casualties, and terminal nostalgics to the neocon’s dream of American Empire.
There are other impulses in human nature, and the great project of humanist thought has been to respond instead to these. Many people are now wary of flags and jingoistic nationalism. Shakespeare’s Henry could rally England to the glory of a foreign war, but tolerance and compassion are now an accepted part of the dialogue of (almost) any modern leader. This is a huge step forward for a species which is reaching its Malthusian limits, and must either cooperate or destroy itself in a death-battle for the world’s resources.
But I think it’s a mistake to deny any natural proclivity. If you pretend a thing isn’t attractive the desire grows like the monster under the bed – scary, destructive, and twisting the human heart as it gains energy from fear and disgust. However, it’s clearly not wise to act on every impulse. The secret is the use to which the underlying urge is put.
The warrior instinct finds its most twisted life denying outlet in the cruel dreams of fascism. One caught up in this spell has had his heart amputated and his mind lobotomised – a robot driven by hate. Instead there are positive uses for warrior energy! Cunning strategy has it’s origin in this. Sacrifice for an ideal or the benefit of others. Courage. The joy in overcoming difficulty, and in using cooperation to defeat a problem. All these things are learnt by children fighting make believe enemies with sticks and string. What distinguishes the aid worker from the jihadi is what distinguishes a human in touch with all aspects of his humanity from one who has cut off many of the most important parts. A true warrior has moral autonomy and compassion, and is of little use to evil men.
Mothers and Fathers
Those who construct and manipulate the warrior myth are not heroes, however much they may dress themselves up in the trappings of war. I have a series of rather tin-pot theories about how such people come to desire power so badly, but it’s not so much the leaders as the middle managers of fascism which interest me.
Perhaps it’s a bit of a cliché but how often have you met a policeman, bureaucrat, or other person in a position of a small amount of power who just loves to use it to the maximum? They administer an unbending set of rules and regulations which exist for their own sake rather than to make the world a better place. Are you rushing to the hospital because the passenger has a serious injury? I’m sorry Sir but I’m still going to have to give you a ticket.
This could be simply boredom turned to petty vindictiveness, but I think it’s often related to childhood. Where a mother turns her face away and the father is absent or distant, for example, a child may have a desire to please which becomes pathological. By being perfectly good, following all the rules, and keeping all passions in check, the child will at last win the mother’s acceptance. Such a person is quiet, unsocial, the teacher’s pet and the class snitch. Conformity turns outward as the desire to control increases. If the class were better behaved the teacher would not be angry. If the country were better controlled the imagined mother would bestow forgotten love.
My untrained psychology aside, this is a poor world to live in. It’s a world of regulation, intolerance, fear, and abuse of power. It believes that misfortune indicates a moral failing which must be rectified by suffering and conformity. By aesceticism and effort victory will be achieved, and the enemy is always both outward and moral. They hate us for our freedoms. We hate them because they hate us and they represent the evil within us.
A Vision
None of this is necessary. The world is increasingly abundant, and with cooperation and a little less self-indulgence we could have plenty for all. The policeman could provide a high speed escort to the hospital. [An aside: that exact approach saved my father's life from an asthma attack when I was 7. Thank you, nameless Hobart cop!]
The small sad men and women who would prevent a world of tolerance and plenty have found positions of power in our society because they desire them so badly, and the greedy and powerful benefit from exploitation of the fascist impulse.
I think it’s time we called up the true warrior spirit. Kindness is the highest virtue! The small men have sold us the idea that we must be hard hearted or the “welfare cheats” and other moral degenerates will destroy our society. I think we can build a world where we engage the best talents of everyone, rather than judging those who won’t play by every petty regulation. We need clever strategies, cooperation, idealism. Most of all we need those warrior qualities to be allied in the service of love.