The real history of oil
Hilarious, educational. Please watch it. Link to google video 45 minutes.
Hilarious, educational. Please watch it. Link to google video 45 minutes.
Craig Murray was a UK diplomat who protested Britain’s complicity in torture and human rights abuses in Uzbekistan. He was subject to a smear campaign, although eventually cleared, and lost his job. He has written a book about the issue, … Continue reading
There’s only one way to understand this, and Douglas Adams said it best: ‘On [that] world, the people are people. The leaders are lizards. The people hate the lizards and the lizards rule the people.’ ‘Odd,’ said Arthur, ‘I thought … Continue reading
Sibel Edmonds, the Turkish FBI translator turned whistleblower who has been subjected to a gag order could provide a major insight into how neoconservatives distort US foreign policy and enrich themselves at the same time. On one level, her story … Continue reading
A catalogue of continuing atrocity by the US in Iraq. An AP report including allegations of a multiple murder to conceal a rape. This seems to be passing unnoticed, but the repercussions are disastrous. The story is here. Update: The … Continue reading
Gripping his prize for The Wind That Shakes the Barley, which takes its title from an Irish folk song, Loach said: “Our film is about a little step, a very little step, in the British confronting their imperialist history, and … Continue reading
TheWaz recently posted an article giving the link to the Wired magazine leaking of the documents involved in the AT&T NSA wiretap case brought by EFF. It boils down to the idea that if your internet traffic goes through any … Continue reading
Stream of an interview with Greg Palast from Democracy Now: 256kbps Realplayer stream here. To donate to Democracy Now check the link on their site. In my investigations for Armed Madhouse, I ended up with a story far more fascinating … Continue reading
Good proof that the Bush win in 2004 was fixed in Ohio has surfaced here. Should be the biggest story on US news at the moment. I wonder if it is?
The Carnival of the Liberals as moderated this fortnight by Dr Biobrain’s response is… has accepted Writings on the Wall’s submission: The Batman effect. Yay!
The Political Compass: apparently I’m Economic Left/Right: -7.50 Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -8.05 Just so you know…
Unclaimed Territory and Belgravia Dispatch point out that nothing has changed. The administration trots out the same rubbish and the press laps it up in just the same uncritical way. The attack will probably be smaller but the consequences will … Continue reading
Anonymizer have produced a tool to allow Chinese web surfers to circumvent the national firewall, by encrypting communication and routing it through one of a number of IP addresses. should be accessible by this means. The current site from … Continue reading
The US is planning a 1984 style propaganda war of epic proportions. Claus Jacobsen points out what’s happening in a wonderful and somewhat terrifying article.
Rebelle Nation lays it on the line to the Republican Party Over two thousand of our beloved sons have died for a tragic and evil farce. Some reliable sources place the Iraqi toll at over 100,000 souls whos’ sacrifice has … Continue reading
To: William F. Buckley Jr, National Review Hi I read your article It Didn’t Work with interest, and I agree with the general argument which you are making. I was, however, somewhat taken aback by your reference to US … Continue reading
Bush seems to be moving towards serious support for a UN peacekeeping force in Darfur. Save Darfur Coalition hopes he is for real this time… exactly. John Bolton, US ambassador to the UN, is taking the opportunity to score some … Continue reading
The Times (London) points out that Bin Laden has gained far more from a couple of attacks and a few thousand lives lost than he could ever have hoped. Bush and Blair have made him into a major world power … Continue reading
Something has been creeping up on us for the last couple of months, perhaps because the mainstream media is just not horrified about it, and they should be. Compulsory ID cards in UK at huge (5 billion pounds) cost. Draconian … Continue reading
Australian current affairs television program Four Corners had a program called Greenhouse Mafia about the way the coal industry had total control of Australian government policy in relation to climate change. The executives in that industry and the politicians in … Continue reading